Parenting Place Summer 2017
NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY Mailman Segal Center for Human Development Jim & Jan Moran Family Center Village 3301 College Avenue • Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33314-7796 Phone: (954) 262-7127 • Fax: (954) 262-3937 • Current Date______________________________________________________________________ Child’s name (first and last)_ _______________________________________________________ Child’s date of birth _____________________________________ Gender__________________ Child’s NSU ID_ ___________________________________________________________________ PARENT #1 Name (first and last)_______________________________________________________________ Home phone (______)______________________________________________________________ Cell phone (______) ________________ Work phone (______)_ _________________________ Address_ _________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________ State _______ ZIP (required)____________________ * Email address (MANDATORY FOR REGISTRATION) : __________________________________________________________________________________ ❑ Check here if this is a new address. Is this child currently enrolled in our preschool or Infant andToddler Program? ❑ Yes ❑ No Is this child currently enrolled in the Parenting Place? ❑ Yes ❑ No PARENT #2 Name (first and last)_______________________________________________________________ Home phone (______)______________________________________________________________ Cell phone (______) ________________ Work phone (______)_ _________________________ * Emergency contact person (first and last name)_ ___________________________________ * Emergency contact phone (______)_ _______________________________________________ Refund of Tuition Policy • A 100-percent refund will be given before the start of the first class. • A prorated refund will be given before the third class. • No refunds will be given after the third class, regardless of attendance. Parent’s Initials _____________ MAILMAN SEGAL CENTER FOR HUMAN DEVELOPMENT • 17 Registration/Confirmation Please use one form for each child. Please complete and return form(s) to the Mailman Segal Center. Forms can be found online at PERMISSION FOR RESEARCH, PHOTOGRAPHS, AND OTHER MEDIA: I/We recognize that the Mailman Segal Center for Human Development of Nova Southeastern University is a teaching and research facility and that observations and research studies are conducted on an ongoing basis. I/We hereby give permission to have my/our child par- ticipate in these studies and be photographed for use in Mailman Segal Center for Human Development brochures or child development publications. SIGNATURE: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Tuition:_ _________________________________________________________________________ Tuition:_ _________________________________________________________________________ Materials fee:_ ___________________________________________________________________ Discount/credit:_ _________________________________________________________________ Payment: ❑ Cash ________ ❑ Check #________ ❑ Charge ________ CLASS NAME DAY/DATE ( if applicable ) TIME _______________________________ ___________________ ___________ _______________________________ ___________________ ___________ _______________________________ ___________________ ___________ _______________________________ ___________________ ___________ _______________________________ ___________________ ___________ How did you hear about us? ❑ Friend—Please include a name so we can say thanks._ ________________________ ❑ Magazine ❑ Store ❑ Website ❑ Other—Specify_____________________ Payment Option1 Please charge my: ❑ VISA ❑ MasterCard ❑ American Express Expiration date: _____________________ Cardholder’s signature:_ ___________________________________________________ or Payment Option2 ❑ Enclosed is my payment of $_____________________________________________ For multiple registrations by credit card, please use separate registration forms with credit card information for each family. Credit card payment will be accepted for cardholder’s family only.Thank you. * mandatory, if not already on file
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