HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

82 Health Professions Division 2019–2020 Student Employment Due to the intensity of all academic programs, outside employment during regular school terms is strongly discouraged. Student Insurance Requirement NSU requires all students to carry adequate health insurance coverage; therefore, students will automatically be enrolled in the NSU Student Health Insurance Plan and their student accounts will be charged when they register for classes. Students who already have health insurance must opt out of the NSU Student Health Insurance Plan each academic year by the given waiver deadline for their program. For detailed information, including waiver deadlines, access to the online waiver, NSU Student Insurance Plan features, costs, and more, students should visit the Bursar’s website at nova.edu/studentinsurance . Affirmative Opt-Out Required For those students who already have adequate health insurance coverage and do not need the NSU-endorsed insurance plan, this charge will be removed from their account once proof of coverage has been submitted by completing the online waiver. To complete the waiver form, go to nova.edu/studentinsurance . The online waiver is the only process by which insurance charges will be removed and coverage will be cancelled. Students who fail to complete the waiver form and provide proof of health insurance by the stated deadline will not be eligible to have charges removed and will continue to be enrolled in the insurance plan endorsed by NSU. Waivers must be completed at the start of each academic year by the program’s assigned deadline, which can be found online at nova.edu/studentinsurance . In view of health care reform and the Affordable Care Act, as well as all forms of health care insurance, we wish to advise those students who have health care coverage from commercial carriers—or the marketplace health care exchanges from other states than Florida—to check with their carriers in order to be sure they have comprehensive health care coverage in the region of Florida where they will be attending classes or practicum rotations. Cell Phones, Computers, Tablets, and Electronic Devices The use of all electronic devices for nonclassroom related (i.e., personal) business during class time is prohibited.