HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

Health Professions Division 2019–2020 81 investigation may include drug/alcohol screen(s), or, assessment, evaluation and/or treatment for substance abuse-related issues. All drug screen(s), assessment(s), evaluation(s), and/or treatment for substance abuse-related issues will be provided by an independent licensed health care provider(s) authorized by the Student Assistance Program. All students agree to abide by Student Assistance Program instruction and recommendation(s) as a condition of enrollment at NSU. A student referred to the Student Assistance Program shall sign an authorization and consent for release of information, including an authorization for the release of a student’s medical records so that the Student Assistance Program director and authorized representatives of the applicable college may monitor the student’s performance and compliance with the conditions of the Student Assistance Program. Any failure to comply with the conditions of the Student Assistance Program, or, failure to comply with any recommendation of an authorized independent licensed health care provider authorized by the Student Assistance Program may result in dismissal from the respective college. Any student referred to the Student Assistance Program may have his or her clinical rotations or other clinical assignments suspended or re-scheduled at sites that will allow the student to be more appropriately monitored during the course of participation in the Student Assistance Program. The student may also be asked to take a medical leave of absence from NSU while participating in the Student Assistance Program. Any act of inappropriate behavior or violation of student handbook policy by a student participating in the Student Assistance Program may be considered grounds for discipline and may result in dismissal from the respective college. A faculty member who observes a student with symptoms suggestive of intoxication, substance influence, and/or impairment may report the matter to the dean or authorized representative of his or her respective college. The Student Assistance Program is independent from the disciplinary process for each respective HPD college. Student Assistance Program Procedures: 1. Any student who has received a DUI or any type of citation due to substance abuse (alcohol, drugs, etc.) must notify the Student Assistance Program Office at sap@nova.edu immediately. Rotation site eligibility may be affected. 2. A student referred to the Student Assistance Program Office will be referred to the PRN (Professionals Resource Network) for an evaluation/assessment and testing. 3. Student will be responsible for fees. 4. Student will complete all forms and give authorization for processing. 5. Student will be responsible for keeping appointments. 6. The PRN will be in communication with the student’s college and Student Assistant Program Office. 7. A copy of the completed assessment will be reviewed by both the Student Assistant Program Office and college. The assessment report will be kept in the Student Assistant Program Office and not in the student’s academic file.