HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 51 Typical steps range from counseling (which may be either remedial counseling, for the respondent, or supportive counseling, for the reporting party) or training or separation of the parties, to discipline of the respondent, including a written warning, probation, suspension, demotion, transfer, expulsion, or termination for cause. The appropriate discipline will depend on the nature and severity of the conduct, the respondent’s overall record, the applicable policy on discipline, and other factors where relevant. k. Retaliation The law prohibits retaliation against an individual for opposing any practices forbidden under this policy, for bringing a complaint of discrimination or harassment, for assisting someone with such a complaint, for attempting to stop such discrimination or harassment, or for participating in any manner in any investigation or resolution of a complaint of discrimination or harassment. NSU will immediately investigate and remedy (if appropriate) any reported retaliatory actions taken by the respondent or other individuals. E.2 Nonacademic Grievance Procedure Except for grievances and/or complaints involving sexual misconduct, discrimination and disability accommodations, this process should be followed for all nonacademic grievances of policies/procedures that are not governed by a specific academic center, program, college, or school. Academic grievances should be referred to the student’s academic center. The purpose of these grievance procedures is to promote the orderly resolution of problems arising out of a student complaint concerning a policy, procedure, or administrative action of Nova Southeastern University. Grievances can often be adversarial, unpleasant, and unsatisfying, so we recommend that students discuss problems before resorting to the formal grievance steps. When formal grievance steps are perceived as necessary, students have a right to a fair process and hearing without retribution. 1. First, the student should attempt to resolve an issue in dispute at the level at which the dispute occurred. This attempt must be in writing (i.e., email, regular mail, or fax). The student may wish to use certified mail to verify receipt of the correspondence. In the correspondence, the student must present a rationale for his or her position based on factual information. 2. The student will receive a reply, in writing, which addresses the complaint. 3. If the reply is not acceptable, the student is encouraged to submit the complaint in writing to the assistant dean for student development. The assistant dean will attempt to resolve the dispute. 4. If the assistant dean for student development is unable to resolve the dispute, he or she will notify the student and the vice president of student affairs in writing. 5. The student may then appeal in writing to the vice president of student affairs. 6. The vice president will investigate and review the findings, and will notify the student in writing of his or her decision. 7. The vice president’s decision is final and binding and cannot be appealed.