HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 49 f. Investigation Completion of Student Complaints Processed by the Assistant Dean for Student Development At the conclusion of the investigation, the investigator(s) will prepare a written report. The report typically will summarize the allegations investigated, and describe the relevant information discovered and factual findings made, including whether any allegations were substantiated, and the basis for such findings, which may include credibility as determined in the investigator’s judgment. The report will not make findings as to whether there has been a violation of law or university policy. The investigator will indicate any facts or allegations in dispute, and present his or her conclusions (if any) about such facts, including the basis for such conclusions (e.g., whether an allegation was corroborated by witnesses, or whether the investigator found one version of events more credible than another). The investigator will provide the investigation report, the written complaint, the response, and any other information deemed necessary to the assistant dean for student development. Within 10 business days of receipt of the investigation report, the assistant dean for student development will make a determination of whether a policy violation occurred. (See Section G for a description of the possible determinations.) g. Determinations by the Assistant Dean for Student Development The following is a description of the potential determinations made by the assistant dean for student development upon the conclusion of the investigation process. 1. Determination of No Violation of University Discrimination Policy by the Assistant Dean for Student Development. If the assistant dean for student development determines that a violation of the university’s discrimination policy has not been shown, all parties will be so informed and the matter closed. The assistant dean for student development will provide the complainant with an explanation of the key findings on which the determination is based. If the investigation reveals evidence or allegations of violations of other university policies or other misconduct by the respondent or other parties, the investigator will present, typically in a separate report, such evidence or allegations to the assistant dean for student development to pursue as deemed appropriate. 2. Determination of Violation of the University’s Discrimination Policy by the Assistant Dean for Student Development. If the assistant dean for student development determines that there was a violation of NSU policy, he or she will inform the respondent of such determination along with the findings upon which the determination is based. The respondent will be given the opportunity to respond to the determination in writing. Any response must be received by the assistant dean for student development within five business days of the determination. The assistant dean for student development will consider any such response, and may modify his or her determination if appropriate. If it is determined that a violation of NSU policy has occurred, appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in accordance with published policies.