HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 45 Termination or Change of Residence Hall Agreement/Accommodation is a disciplinary sanction that terminates or changes the Residence Hall Agreement/Accommodation. This should be accompanied by another form of disciplinary action. It is considered permanent unless lifted by the vice president of student affairs/assistant dean for student development/director of residential life or designee. Counseling Intervention is when extreme behavior indicates that counseling may be beneficial. The student may be referred to the Student Counseling Center or other university health provider/program. Other Appropriate Action is disciplinary action, including educational sanctions (such as research papers or presentations) not specifically outlined before, but approved through the assistant dean of student development or designee. Parent/Legal Guardian Notification is when university personnel may, at times of extreme concern for a student’s welfare, notify parent(s)/legal guardian(s) of a student younger than 21 years of age—in writing or by phone—when alcohol or drug violations of university policy occur. Appeal Process An appeal of disciplinary action taken following a judicial hearing must be in writing to the vice president of student affairs within five business days of the receipt of the written disposition of the hearing. In appealing a judicial decision, the appeal must fall into one of the following categories. • The student has new, relevant evidence that was not available during the investigation or adjudication that would substantially alter the outcome of the case. • The judicial process as outlined was not adhered to during the student’s hearing. • The sanction(s) do not relate appropriately to the violation(s). A written decision will be provided by the vice president of student affairs within a reasonable amount of time of the appeal request. The decision of the vice president of student affairs will be final. D.4 University Title IX/Sexual Misconduct Disciplinary Procedures In addition to any criminal or civil actions that may be pending or in progress, the university has the obligation to investigate and address incidents that adversely affect its community, and/or otherwise may constitute a violation of university policy. This means that the university reserves the right to pursue its own administrative and accountability processes for students and employees and others impacting the campus. Members of the university community (i.e., students and employees) found responsible for sexual misconduct may receive disciplinary actions that could include suspension, expulsion, and/or termination from the university. Such disciplinary action and institutional proceedings will proceed independently of any criminal and/or civil cases involving the victim and/or the responding party. The institutional accountability procedures will provide a fair, prompt, and impartial process from investigation to final result. The process used to investigate and resolve reports of sexual misconduct exhibited by students, once the Title IX Coordinator has determined that a formal investigation is warranted, is available through the Title IX website , including possible sanctions should a student be found responsible.