HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 37 C. University Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy The Nova Southeastern University Sexual Misconduct Policy is available online. While specific violations are included in the material that follows, complete definitions of each term are available on the university website. Please refer to the information online for complete and updated definitions of the terms/ violations listed. C.1 Gender-Based Harassment is unwelcome conduct of a nonsexual nature based on a person’s actual or perceived gender, gender identity, gender express, nonconformity with gender stereotypes, or sexual orientation. C.2 Hostile Environment is the effect of sexual or gender-based harassment that is sufficiently serious to deny or limit a person’s ability to participate in or benefit from a university program or activity. C.3 Intimate Relationship Violence is violence or the threat of violence between those in a sexual and/or comparably personal and private relationship. Violence may be sexual in nature (such as sexual assault), or it may be physical violence, such as making death threats, punching, kicking, or using a weapon. The existence of such a relationship shall be determined based on the reporting party’s statement and with consideration of the length of the relationship, the type of relationship, and the frequency of interaction between the people involved in the relationship. More details about dating and domestic violence may be found on the Title IX website . C.4 Retaliation is an action taken by an accused individual or an action taken by a third party against any person because that person has opposed any practices forbidden under this policy or because that person has filed a complaint, testified, assisted, or participated in any manner in any investigation or proceeding under this policy. This includes action taken against a bystander who intervened to stop or attempt to stop discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct. C.5 Sexual Assault is actual or attempted physical sexual contact with another person without that person’s consent. Sexual assault includes, but is not limited to, 1. intentional touching of another person’s intimate parts without that person’s consent 2. other intentional sexual contact with another person without that person’s consent 3. coercing, forcing, or attempting to coerce or force a person to touch another person’s intimate parts without that person’s consent 4. rape, which is penetration, no matter how slight, of a. the vagina or anus of a person by any body part of another person or by an object