HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

30 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook disciplinary action and criminal prosecution. Failure to evacuate any building on campus during a fire alarm is also prohibited. B.14 Facilitating Academic Dishonesty Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to violate any provision of this code is prohibited. B.15 Failure to Disclose Criminal Offenses During the admissions process, all prospective students are required to disclose convictions of any criminal offense in any city, state, or country, other than minor traffic offenses. Students are required to disclose any time they have entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere (no contest) to a criminal offense; had adjudication of guilt withheld for a criminal offense; participated in a first-offender or pretrial diversion program, or its equivalent, or committed any offense were the records have been sealed or expunged, including criminal offenses committed as a juvenile. Driving under the influence is not a minor traffic offense for purposes of this policy. Students also are required to disclose any pending criminal charges filed against them. Failing to disclose, omitting, or providing false information relating to any of the above may result in rescission of admissions offers or disciplinary action against a student, up to and including dismissal from NSU. While enrolled at NSU, students have a continuing duty to disclose all of the above, along with any arrests or pending criminal charges within 10 days of any arrest or charges are filed. Students, other than those enrolled in programs within the Health Professions Division, must notify the assistant dean for Student Development of any arrests or pending criminal charges. A failure to timely disclose any arrests or pending criminal charges may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from NSU. B.16 False Information (Including Fabrication, Fraud, and Falsification of Records) Any act or statement (written or oral) containing false, incomplete, or misleading information intended to deceive or misrepresent any agency of the university or any person or business is prohibited. Providing false or misleading information to the university or a university official, or to a local, state, or national agency or official is a violation of the Code of Student Conduct and Academic Responsibility subjecting a student to disciplinary action up to, and including, expulsion or rescission. In addition, falsification of university records is prohibited. University records include, but are not limited to, admission, enrollment, registration, financial aid, student disciplinary, academic, health records, parking decals/hang tags, and student employment records. Inappropriate conduct and violations of this policy will be addressed by the appropriate procedures and agents (e.g., the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs or the Office of Human Resources) depending on the individual’s affiliation with the university. B.17 Fire No student shall commit or aid in the intentional commission of an act that results in a fire being ignited, which causes damage, or is intended to cause damage, to the property of the university or the personal property of any member of the university community.