HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

28 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook B.3 Assault/Violence To threaten bodily harm—or discomfort to another person or commit or aid in the commission of an act that causes bodily harm and/or any other conduct that injures, threatens, or endangers the health, safety, and/or welfare of any other member of the university community on or off campus—is prohibited. B.4 Bribery To give, offer, promise, request, solicit, accept, or agree to accept for oneself or another any financial or other benefit with an intent or purpose to influence the performance of any act or omission is prohibited. B.5 Cheating Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise is prohibited. B.6 Complicity Students associated with, or present during, the commission of an act(s) by another, which constitutes a violation of university policy, may also be charged if the student’s behavior constitutes permission, contributes to, or condones the violation. B.7 Contracting on Behalf of the University Unless specifically authorized by the appropriate university authority, students may not contract on behalf of the university. Students who attempt to, or enter into, a contract on behalf of the university without proper authorization, are subject to disciplinary action that will result in a hold being placed on university records and transcripts until restitution is made, as well as such other sanctions as may be appropriate. Any contract entered into on behalf of the university by a student without proper authorization is void. B.8 Damage or Vandalism to Property Defacing, littering, or damaging property of the university is prohibited. B.9 Dangerous Items (Explosives, Firearms, Fireworks, and Weapons) Weapons and firearms are prohibited on campus. A weapon includes • any item designed to inflict a wound or cause injury to another person • any item used to harass, threaten, intimidate, assault, or commit battery • any item the university deems dangerous A firearm includes any weapon that is designed, or may readily be converted, to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; and any firearm muffler or firearm silencer. The complete NSU Firearms or other weapons policy is available on the Public Safety website .