HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

26 Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook • organization web pages (examples) − − Copyright 2005 Cornell Law Review. All Rights Reserved. − − Copyright 2005 Nova Southeastern University. All Rights Reserved. − − Copyright 2005 NSU College of Engineering and Computing. All Rights Reserved. A.12 University Copyright and Patent Policy Nova Southeastern University seeks to promote respect for intellectual property and a culture of copyright compliance throughout its community. In an effort to ensure compliance university-wide, NSU has published the following policies. • Copyright and Patent • Use of Copyright-Protected Works in Education and Research • Copyright Guidelines for Electronic Course Reserves A.13 University Title IX Sexual Misconduct Policy Sexual misconduct is prohibited by Nova Southeastern University. NSU will respond within the scope of its policy and procedures when sexual misconduct is reported to have occurred: • on NSU owned or controlled property • at a university or university-recognized program or activity • regardless of location on or off campus, when the conduct 1) may pose an obvious and serious threat of harm to or 2) may have the effect of creating a hostile educational environment for, any member(s) of the university community This policy applies to the behaviors of all students, employees (including faculty, staff, and part-time employees), visitors, and others affecting the university community. To report a violation or learn more about the sexual misconduct policy, procedures, and resources, visit the Title IX website . Individuals who have experienced a crime of sexual violence, including sexual assault, stalking, and dating/domestic violence, can learn more about their options for getting support on and off campus, as well as for reporting to NSU and local law enforcement. NSU takes all reports of sexual misconduct seriously, and retaliation will not be tolerated toward anyone who reports sexual misconduct and/or participates in an investigation or resolution of a report. Information about confidential resources, rights of all parties, and the procedures for investigating and resolving complaints is available on the Title IX website. Individuals may also contact Laura Bennett, NSU’s Title IX Coordinator, directly at laura.bennett@nova.edu or call (954) 262-7858. The Title IX Coordinator also assists students looking for information about other protections under Title IX, such as those for pregnant or parenting students, transgender or gender non-conforming students, or others who feel they may have experienced discrimination based on their actual or perceived sex or gender in an NSU course, program, or activity. Additional information regarding the specific violations are included in Section C of this handbook. Please be advised that the policy and procedures on the Title IX website supercede any other version of this policy.