HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 11 While it is not possible to address all eventualities, it is important that responsibilities of Nova Southeastern University students be embraced by the community and observed in the spirit of the university’s mission. Specific standards of behavior are outlined in the Code of Student Conduct. General responsibilities include, but are not limited to: Personal responsibility • responsibility to cultivate personal growth and development through academic, civic, and social engagement • responsibility to pursue educational opportunities to the best of one’s ability • responsibility for academic progression and career planning • responsibility to participate in intellectual discourse/attainment or advancement of knowledge • responsibility to explore personal growth and development • responsibility to partner and/or cooperate with faculty and staff in the promotion of a positive living and learning environment Responsibility to other students • responsibility to approach differing and diverse views and opinions with an open mind • responsibility to recognize the value of diversity and an exchange of ideas within a university community • responsibility for showing respect to other students Responsibility to the community • responsibility to engage in appropriate service learning experiences that improve the quality of life of those around them • responsibility to comply with laws, rules and regulations • accountability for one’s own actions • responsibility to maintain the property and facilities of the university • responsibility to maintain a positive image of the university