HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

108 College of Medical Sciences 2019–2020 5. Notification of the Appeals Committee Decision The decision of the committee will be forwarded in writing by the chair to the dean’s office and will be forwarded to the student by Fed Ex to the student’s last official address. All decisions of the Appeals Committee will be final and binding. No further option for appeal will be considered. Nonacademic Grievance Procedure Except for grievances and/or complaints involving sexual misconduct, discrimination, and disability accommodations, students should follow the process outlined in the NSU Student Handbook under the section titled “Nonacademic Grievance Procedure” for all nonacademic grievances of policies/ procedures that are not governed by a specific academic center, program, college, or school. Student Activity Groups All extracurricular student activities within the College of Medical Sciences, on campus and off campus, must be approved in advance by the assistant dean for student affairs. Requests for permission for speakers, student meetings, and other activities must be approved at least two weeks in advance. Activities must be approved before a room can be assigned by the coordinator of educational support, and no meeting announcements may be made until approval is granted. Medical Sciences Student Government Association The College of Medical Sciences Student Government Association is the official voice of all students in the college. The organization is open to all students and welcomes participation from the student body. Its responsibilities include expressing student opinions and dispensing funds for student activities. Student Responsibility to Obtain Information Each student enrolled in the College of Medical Sciences is individually responsible for knowledge of the current academic regulations, the general and specific requirements, and the operational policies, as contained in the college handbook, college catalog, and other official documents or announcements of the college. Students are responsible, for example, for being aware of their grades, and the times and locations of all examinations—regardless of whether or not they have received written or formal communication. As the chief academic officer of the College of Medical Sciences, the dean reserves the right to revise or modify any of these policies at any time, if he feels it is in the best interest of a student or the college to do so.