HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

106 College of Medical Sciences 2019–2020 Academic Probation Academic probation is defined as a trial period during which a student has the opportunity to demonstrate that he or she can academically redeem deficient grades. The Student Progress Committee will make a recommendation for academic probation to the dean when a student is not making satisfactory progress toward meeting degree requirements. When a student is placed on academic probation, the student will be notified and notice will be placed in the student’s file. • While on academic probation, a student may not hold any office in a student-, college-, HPD-, or university-sponsored organization. Other restrictions may be applied by the dean. • When the student has corrected all deficiencies, the Student Progress Committee will recommend that the dean remove the student from academic probation. If, while on probation, the student violates the terms of his or her probation, actions may be taken, up to and including dismissal from the College of Medical Sciences. Disciplinary Probation When it is believed that a student has failed to achieve sufficient maturity of thought or professionalism, disciplinary probation may be recommended to the dean. If the dean places a student on disciplinary probation, the student may not hold any office within any college-, HPD-, or university-recognized organization, and the dean may institute other probationary terms, including but not limited to counseling, supervision of professional appearance, attendance, and general demeanor. If, while on disciplinary probation, the student violates the terms of his or her probation, actions may be taken, up to and including dismissal from the College of Medical Sciences. Disciplinary probation will be removed when, in the judgment of the dean, it is believed that the student has attained sufficient maturity of thought and professionalism. Appeal Policy Appeals Committee Students wishing to appeal a dismissal made by the dean must submit a written appeal letter to the chair of the Appeals Committee within five school days from the date of the dismissal letter. The appeal must contain a concise statement of all relevant facts and the result sought. Any appeals not submitted to the chair of the Appeals Committee within this time frame will not be heard. 1. Appeals Committee Hearing Guidelines The student appeal hearing is an informal proceeding. No rules of evidence will be used. The hearing shall be internal, private, and closed to non-university persons. Non-university personnel are not available for consultation during these hearings. All procedures and actions are aimed to safeguard and preserve the educational and developmental mission of the College of Medical Sciences. The