HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

College of Medical Sciences 2019–2020 105 Dismissal, Suspension, and Appeal Policies Dismissal Dismissal is the permanent termination of a student’s academic enrollment if, in the opinion of the dean, the student has not attained the academic level and/or has deviated from the academic standards and/ or standards of behavior or ethics established by the college. As with all disciplinary actions, the dean is responsible for imposing this recommendation. A student who chooses to appeal a dismissal must do so in writing within five school days of the date of dismissal via the process outlined in the Appeal Policy section of this handbook. Dismissed students will be administratively dropped from all College of Medical Sciences courses and will not be allowed to continue to attend classes in the upcoming semester. Grounds for dismissal from the College of Medical Sciences include, but are not limited to: • failing a course during any semester (final course grade is less than a C ) • earning a final course grade of a C in a course they are repeating • earning a final course grade of a C in more than 7 hours of classroom courses in any semester or overall, regardless of whether the course was repeated • exceeding a five-year limit for completing all graduation requirements for the Master of Biomedical Sciences program, exclusive of any approved leave of absence or withdrawal in good standing • if, in the opinion of the dean, circumstances of a legal, moral, behavioral, ethical, or academic nature warrant such action, or if, in the dean’s opinion, there are factors that would interfere with or prevent them from meeting appropriate professional standards Suspension A student may be suspended (removed from academic enrollment and/or revocation of all other privileges or activities and from the privilege to enter the campus for a specified period of time) if, in the opinion of the dean, the student has not attained satisfactory academic performance and/or has deviated significantly from the standards of behavior established by the College of Medical Sciences. Readmission Following Suspension If a student is suspended from the College of Medical Sciences, he or she may return to the college when, in the opinion of the dean, he or she can present adequate evidence that the conditions and/or factors that caused the suspension have changed significantly so that there is a reasonable expectation that the student can perform satisfactorily if permitted to resume his or her studies. Readmission will be solely at the discretion of the dean. The student’s prior academic record will remain part of his or her overall academic record and will be recorded on the permanent transcript. A suspended student will be withdrawn from all courses and receive a W on his or her transcript (see Withdrawal from Course).