HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

104 College of Medical Sciences 2019–2020 Student Progress Committee—Process and Procedures for Alleged Policy or Code of Behavioral Conduct Violations The Student Progress Committee (SPC) is responsible for conducting proceedings to determine whether a student has violated the college’s regulations, policies, and/or professional or behavioral codes of conduct. The SPC examines individual cases and makes appropriate recommendations to the dean, who determines the final status of the individual student. NOTE: This section does not apply to grade disputes, which are addressed in the Grade Disputes section of this handbook, under the section for Academic Affairs. Further, this section does not apply to the academic progress review of every student conducted by the SPC at the end of each semester, which is addressed in the Student Progress Committee section of this handbook, under the section for Academic Affairs. • When informed of the alleged violation or academic deficiency by the department chair or course director, the chair of the SPC will conduct a preliminary investigation. • The SPC chair will then call a meeting of the committee and shall notify the student in question. The student shall receive written notice of the time, place, and subject of the meeting. Legal representation or any other form of representation is prohibited during the hearing. • The student will be given ample opportunity to present his or her statements to the committee. The student will only be present during his or her statement and to respond to any questions from the committee. • The SPC chair will dismiss the student and close the meeting for discussion. • At the conclusion of the discussion, the committee shall make recommendations to the dean. The various actions that may be recommended by the SPC include, but are not limited to, warning, probation, suspension, dismissal, and administrative leave of absence. • The dean shall review the committee’s recommendations and shall notify the student of his/her final decision in writing by certified mail (return receipt requested), and by email with response requested. The recommendations of the SPC and all reports, letters, and investigative records shall be maintained by the college for not less than five years. This information is not part of the student’s permanent record or the student’s transcript. Students have the right to appeal dismissal decisions within five business days of notification from the dean. For more information regarding appeals, see the Appeal Policy section of this handbook.