HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

College of Medical Sciences 2019–2020 103 4. Religious Holidays Absences for major religious and ethnic holidays may be excused at the discretion of the college administration. Students are required to obtain approval for their absences one week prior to the holiday. Code of Behavioral Standards The dean of Nova Southeastern University College of Medical Sciences presents the following Code of Behavioral Standards, which shall apply to all students enrolled in the college. Students enrolled at Nova Southeastern University College of Medical Sciences are expected to adhere to high standards of behavior. Compliance with institutional rules and regulations as well as city, state, and federal laws is expected. Students shall act honorably and ethically and shall not tolerate dishonest, unethical actions or inappropriate conduct. It is not possible to enumerate all forms of inappropriate behavior that would raise serious questions concerning a student’s status as a graduate student. The following, however, are the general rules and policies that shall apply to students: 1. Every student shall dress in a manner appropriate for graduate school. Please refer to the section on dress code policy. a. Students must maintain a neat and clean appearance befitting students attending graduate school. Therefore, attire should convey a professional appearance whenever the student is on university grounds or in classes or laboratories. b. Identification badges must be worn at all times when the student is on campus. 2. No student shall use, possess, or distribute illegal or controlled drugs or substances, unless prescribed by a licensed physician. Please see the NSU “Drug-Free Schools and Campuses” policy in the NSU Student Handbook for more information. 3. No student shall consume or possess alcoholic beverages in any form on HPD-controlled property. 4. No student shall use, display, possess, or distribute a firearm or other weapon, or any implement that may be considered a weapon, on university-controlled property, including housing, or at any university-sponsored event. 5. No student shall commit disorderly conduct, including public intoxication or lewd, indecent, or obscene conduct or expression on the campus premises or at any college-sponsored or supervised function or event. 6. No student shall intentionally or recklessly endanger or threaten the mental or physical health or well-being of any member of the college community or any visitor to the campus premises. 7. No student shall commit a dishonest act of any nature and shall comply with all university, HPD, and college policies. Every member of the college community has the duty to file a complaint with the Student Progress Committee whenever it is felt a substantial violation of the Code of Behavioral Standards has occurred. Failure to report a violation of the code is itself a violation.