HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

102 College of Medical Sciences 2019–2020 Student Affairs Classroom Behavior Students are expected to behave in a professional manner at all times. The instructor may dismiss anyone from class who is involved in disruptive behavior. Attendance 1. General Attendance Guidelines Each course director has the discretion to determine how attendance is monitored in his or her course(s), including, but not limited to, his or her policies and penalties for unexcused absences. Each course director has the responsibility to communicate to students, early in the course, individual policies regarding attendance within that course. If laboratories, assignments, or examinations missed are to be made up, they will be done at the direction and discretion of the course director. 2. Excused Absences A. Illness: The college must be notified as soon as possible, or at the latest, on return to school, of all absences due to illness. For unusual or prolonged illness, the assistant dean for Student Affairs must be notified as soon as possible. These absences will be evaluated on an individual basis. B. Special circumstances: Unusual circumstances resulting in absences (e.g., death in the immediate family) must be cleared with the assistant dean for Student Affairs on an individual basis, preferably before the student is absent from class. 3. Unexcused absences Absences not falling into the first category are unexcused absences. The administration realizes that special circumstances may arise on rare occasions leading to an unexcused absence. However, unexcused absences are neither a right nor an entitlement of the student. Unexcused absences may result in a written reprimand from the dean or designee with a copy to be placed in the student’s permanent file, which may incur loss of percentage points in the course or failure in the course. Each laboratory, assignment, or examination missed must be made up at the discretion and convenience of the instructor. If, in the judgment of the dean, a pattern of absences appears to surface, action may be taken, up to and including failure in the courses involved or dismissal from school.