HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

College of Medical Sciences 2019–2020 99 Withdrawal from the College Withdrawal is a resignation by the student under which he or she surrenders all rights and privileges as a student in the college. A student withdrawing from the college must notify the dean and complete a withdrawal form (Student Transaction Form). Students must notify the Office of Financial Aid and be counseled regarding their financial status. After completing the required documentation and obtaining the dean’s approval, an eligible student may receive partial credit of the tuition, according to the following formula: • A 75 percent refund is given if the withdrawal is during the first week of the semester in which classes begin. • There is no refund if the withdrawal is after the first week of the semester in which classes begin. A student in the Master of Biomedical Sciences Program who does not register for classes and has not requested an approved Leave of Absence will be considered as having withdrawn from the college. Leave of Absence A voluntary leave of absence is a request by a student to discontinue coursework for personal, financial, medical, or other significant reason. A student desiring a voluntary leave of absence must submit a written request to the dean of the college or the dean’s designee, who will then determine whether or not the leave of absence is to be granted and the date and conditions under which the student may return to school. In making such a request, the student understands that he or she cannot return to school before the next academic year. Voluntary leave of absence is granted only to students in good standing. Academic Standing A student is considered in good academic standing when he or she has completed all required coursework to date with a final course grade of B or higher and is not currently on probation or suspension. As soon as a student receives a final grade of C in one or more academic courses, totaling 7 credits or less, he or she will no longer be considered in good academic standing and will be placed on probation. This change in status occurs on the issuance of a final course grade. The student will maintain this status until he or she has retaken and satisfactorily passed the course(s) in its/their entirety, if eligible. Each student’s academic achievement is reviewed each semester, and a transcript is compiled by the registrar. The transcript includes • grades earned • deficiencies (failures, probation, etc.) • semester GPA and cumulative GPA • withdrawals