HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

96 College of Medical Sciences 2019–2020 Academic Affairs Grading Policies and Procedures At the completion of each course, the course director shall have the responsibility for completing and signing the computer grade roster sheet listing all students in the course and their grades. Within 10 working days following completion of the course, the course grade roster sheet will be forwarded directly under confidential cover to the Office of the Dean. The dean shall notify students through written communication of any unsatisfactory grade and the procedures for recourse if appropriate. A copy of the student communication will be sent, under confidential cover, to the dean, registrar, and chair of the Student Progress Committee for retention in the student’s individual files and any other action if appropriate. Grading Format Academic performance for first and second year medical science students is assessed using percentage grades, on a scale of 0–100 points. Specifically, grading will be based on the following criteria: A 90–100 B 80–89 C 70–79 F Below 70 P Pass W Withdrawal Final course grades of C or higher is passing. Final course grades below a C is failing. All students are required to earn a final course grade of B or higher to satisfactorily complete the course. Grade Disputes The responsibility for course examinations, assignments, and grades resides with the expertise of faculty members who are uniquely qualified by their training and expertise. Such evaluations and grades are the prerogative of the instructor and are not subject to formal appeal unless there is compelling evidence