HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

94 College of Medical Sciences 2019–2020 Motor Skills Candidates and students must have sufficient motor function to execute movements reasonably required to use various pieces of equipment. Such actions require coordination of both gross and fine muscular movements, equilibrium, and functional use of the senses of touch and vision. Examples include, but are not limited to, calibration and use of equipment, grasping and manipulating small objects/instruments, and using a computer keyboard. Strength and Mobility Candidates and students must have the physical ability to move sufficiently from room to room and to maneuver in small places. Hearing Candidates and students must have sufficient auditory ability to monitor and assess health needs. Visual Candidates and students must have visual ability sufficient for observation, assessment, and rendering of treatment necessary in patient care. It is necessary to have adequate visual capabilities for proper evaluation and treatment integration. Students must be able to see fine detail; focus at a variety of distances; and discern differences and variations in color, shape, and texture that are necessary to differentiate normal and abnormal soft and hard tissues. Students must also possess the visual acuity to read charts, records, radiographs, small print, and handwritten notations. Tactile Candidates and students must have sufficient tactile ability for physical assessment. Students must be able to use tactile senses to diagnose directly by palpation and indirectly by sensations transmitted through instruments. Sensory Candidates and students must be able to acquire a predetermined level of required information through demonstrations and experiences in basic science courses. Such information includes, but is not limited to, information conveyed through a) physiologic and pharmacologic demonstrations, b) microscopic images of microorganisms and tissues in normal and pathologic states, and c) demonstration of techniques using anatomical models. Students must be able to acquire information from written documents and to evaluate information presented as images from digital platforms, paper, films, slides, or video. They must be able to benefit from electronic and other instrumentation that enhances visual, auditory, and somatic sensations needed for examination or treatment.