HPD Student Handbook | 2019 - 2020

College of Medical Sciences 2019–2020 93 Honor and integrity of the health professions student and health care professional is essential and depends on the exemplary behavior of the individual health care provider in his or her relations with patients, faculty members, and colleagues. This includes accountability to oneself and to relationships with fellow students, future colleagues, faculty members, and patients who come under the student’s care or contribute to his or her training and growth, as well as members of the general public. This applies to personal conduct that reflects on the student’s honesty and integrity in both academic and nonacademic settings, whether or not involving an NSU-sponsored activity. All students must have the capacity to manage their lives and anticipate their own needs. Upon accepting admission to NSU, each student subscribes to, and pledges complete observance to, NSU’s Student Code of Conduct Policies. A violation of these standards is an abuse of the trust placed in every student and could lead to suspension or dismissal. Candidates for degrees offered by the Health Professions Division must have, with or without reasonable accommodation, multiple abilities and skills including intellectual, conceptual, integrative, and quantitative abilities; interpersonal communication; mobility and strength; motor skills; and hearing, visual, tactile, behavioral, and social attributes. Candidates for admission and progression must be able to perform these abilities and skills in a reasonably independent manner. Intellectual, Conceptual, Integrative, and Qualitative Abilities These abilities include measurement, calculation, reasoning, analysis, and synthesis. Problem solving—a critical skill—requires all of these intellectual abilities. Candidates and students must have critical thinking ability sufficient for good clinical judgment. This is necessary to identify cause/effect relationships in clinical situations and to develop plans of care. In addition, candidates and students should be able to comprehend three-dimensional relationships and to understand the spatial relationships of structures. An individual is expected to be able to perform multiple tasks in a diverse, dynamic, highly competitive, and challenging learning environment. Examples include, but are not limited to, identifying cause/ effect relationships in clinical situations, developing treatment plans, transferring knowledge from one situation to another, evaluating outcomes, problem solving, prioritizing, and using short- and long-term memory. All individuals are expected to meet their program requirements on a satisfactory level as determined by HPD administration or the applicable college/program administration. Interpersonal Communication Candidates and students must be able to interact and communicate effectively, with respect to policies, protocols, and process—with faculty and staff members, students, and administration—during the student’s educational program. Communication includes not only speech, but also reading and writing. Candidates and students must also be able to communicate effectively and efficiently in all written forms. They must have interpersonal abilities sufficient to interact with individuals; families; and groups from a variety of social, emotional, cultural, and intellectual backgrounds. Students must have sufficient proficiency with English to retrieve information from texts and lectures and communicate concepts on written and practical exams.