Fall 2022 Mako Magazine

21 One day in 2002, this gentleman walks into the Alvin Sherman Library wearing a long trench coat. I approach and ask him what he’s looking for. He says he’s looking for Jim Hutchens. I said, “Wow, okay, that’s me. How can I help you?” And he pulls out this bottle of scotch. Now, I’m not a scotch drinker, but I knew it was good scotch. Turns out he’s a Scotsman fresh off the plane who stopped by to thank me for helping him with some research when he was in Italy. It is always gratifying to walk through the Alvin Sherman Library, because our library is the “home library” not only to Nova Southeastern University (NSU) students, but people across Broward County, of all ages, and even overseas. We didn’t miss a beat during the pandemic, because we already were no longer distinguishing between distance library students or residential students. In fact, the Distance Library Services Department no longer existed. What we did learn, however, was to add a hybrid component to all our live programming and exhibitions. We also listen and respond to our students. We recently moved all our journals from the second to the fourth floor, so they could be put on movable stacks. That allowed us to add 300 seats here and another 100 seats at the NSU Health Professions Division Martin and Gail Press Library with tabletops wired with multiple plug-in spots. It’s a direct result of listening to the students tell us what they need. JAMES HUTCHENS, M.L.S. Vice President for Information Services and University Librarian, University Libraries A PLACE PEOPLE FEEL AT HOME SCOTT COLTON, B.A., APR Senior Editorial Director, NSU Printing and Publications