NSU Mako Magazine Winter 2025

71 At a Glance Nova Southeastern University is making a difference in the lives of people in Florida and around the world through world-class educational opportunities, innovative research, patient-centered health care, and more. Preeminence sparks the best in us and pushes us to create something magical and magnanimous. by The Wall Street Journal, Niche.com, and OnlineColleges.com Top Ranked Data and rankings are as of September 2024. For latest, visit nova.edu/ataglance. nova.edu/ataglance 32% Hispanic 30% White, Non-Hispanic 17% Black, Non-Hispanic 10% Asian 5% Nonresident Alien 4% Race/Ethnicity Unknown 3% More Than One Race <1% Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander <1% Native American or Alaskan Native #76 Most Diverse Colleges in America niche.com 22,887 Students 9,258 Graduate 4,400 Professional 7,219 Undergraduate Approximately 2,000 NSU University School (Pre-K–12) 216,000+ Alumni located in 50U.S. States 115+ Countries and 11 Campus Locations 14 Colleges 200+ Employers visit NSU $5B Economic impact in Florida by 2025 5 Medical Schools 150+ Academic degree programs bachelor’s, master’s, specialist, doctoral, and professional programs Florida’s Largest Private Research University