NSU Mako Magazine Winter 2025

65 (5) Kathy Assaf, Board of Trustees member, and Ronald Assaf, trustee emeritus (6) The college’s new name is unveiled on the south side of the Terry Building. (7) Anthony N. Ottaviani, D.O., M.P.H., MACOI, FCCP, Board of Trustees member, and his wife Cathy (8) Barry and Judy Silverman College of Pharmacy students with various dignitaries at the event (9) Steven J. Halmos, Board of Trustees member; Michael Mominey, M.S., former associate vice president for Advancement and Community Relations and director of Athletics; Thomas Panza, J.D., interim vice president for legal affairs and general counsel; and Milton L. Jones, Jr., Board of Trustees member (10) Hanbury addresses the attendees at the dedication ceremony. (11) Martin R. Press, Esq., Board of Trustees member (right), converses with a fellow attendee. 5 7 8 9 10 6 11 Scan for album.