NSU Mako Magazine Winter 2025

B Our economic impact in the state is currently $4.1 b grow to $5 billion by 2025. And with more than 5,0 is also one of the largest private employers in South about NSU’s impact at nsuflorida.com. + OUR REACH EXTENDS WAY BEYOND OUR CAMPUS $5BFLORIDA ECONOMIC IMPACT BY 2025 Our economic impact in the state is currently $4.1 billion and is projected to grow to $5 billion by 2025. And with more than 5,000 employees, NSU Florida is also one of the largest private employers in South Florida. Find out more about NSU’s impact at nsuflorida.com. OUR REACH EXTENDS WAY BEYOND OUR CAMPUS $5B + Our economic impact in the state is currently $4.1 billion and is projected to grow to $5 billion by 2025. And with more than 5,000 full-time, part-time, and adjunct employees and approximately 23,000 students from junior kindergarten to the graduate level, NSU Florida is also one of the largest private employers in South Florida. Find out more about NSU’s impact at nsuflorida.com. FLORIDA ECONOMIC IMPACT BY 2025