NSU Mako Magazine Winter 2025

11 Self-made business success James Donn, Sr., never attended college. But he, like many of Nova’s champions, knew education was critical to a strong community. Struck by Nova’s entrepreneurial spirit, the owner of Gulf- stream Park decided to help. Today, his grandson R. Douglas Donn serves on NSU’s Board of Trustees. BUILDING MOMENTUM While few universities in the 1960s offered computer courses, Nova’s founders foresaw the demand for scientists and inventors to fuel expanding technology markets, as well as the need for highly trained graduates to serve emerging industries and government entities. Computing became one of NSU’s first three disciplines, alongside electrical engineering and physical oceanography. In 1967, 17 graduate students began their studies in a downtown storefront on Las Olas Boulevard. Recruited in 1964, NSU’s first president, Warren J. Winstead, Ed.D., convinced two Nobel Prize winners and other renowned scientists to serve as early advisers and a distinguished roster of educators with terminal degrees from such universities as Yale, Duke, and Harvard, plus Woods Hole, to join Nova’s faculty. His charisma also garnered national attention and critical early funding. He secured the state’s endorsement and persuaded the state legislature to extend Broward County’s racing season. Track operators donated proceeds from the extra day, providing $135,000 in year one. He also convinced local millionaires to let Nova auction their yachts and participate in other fundraising stunts. Newspaper coverage of the fledging institution’s research focus even prompted retired inventor Louis W. Parker to deliver a handwritten pledge on the back of an envelope, stating simply, “I hereby pledge one million dollars to Nova University.” Left: NSU’s first president is interviewed by Barbara Walters on NBC’s The Today Show. He taught at three universities before serving as director of the U.S. Army’s student education program in Europe.