Lasting Impressions | Summer 2017

10 © NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY 2016 In January 2016, the CDM’s Dental Simulation Laboratory undergoes an extensive renovation, which includes upgrading 130 dental simulation units with state-of-the-art tech- nology. New mannequins provide a greater range of head movements to simulate a real patient. 2017 The CDM introduces Strategic Plan 2017–2022 to coincide with its 20th anniversary. they have an impact on society. That is the value of staying close with your alma mater,” he said. Leadership resonates throughout the entire university, no matter what discipline, said Hanbury. “We prepare our students to meet the challenges of their profession, to be innovative, and to solve problems,” he said. RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Ferrante said the CDM’s commitment to “both aspects of its identity”—ensuring that financial resources are avail- able and strengthening its academic excellence—is one of the college’s strengths, and it shows in the strategic plan. “The strategic plan does not lose sight of the college’s role in academics and its students, and it still recognizes the importance of having the right infrastructure and capacity for operations. That was one of the unique aspects of working with this educational institution,” Ferrante said. One of the goal’s objectives is to raise $21.5 million in fund- ing during the next 5 years. The funding includes reaching out to external sources, with a focus on engaging alumni. “We’re just starting to ask for money. In our first 20 years, we hadn’t focused on asking our alumni for resources because they were new in the field,” Niessen explained. “They had only been in practice for 15 or 16 years, so they were barely 40. Now, however, in the next 20 years, we will continue to grow the CDM Alumni and Friends Association and have graduates take a more active role.” The esteemed Kenneth N. Namerow Endowed Professor- ship in Endodontics, initiated in 2010 by Kenneth Namerow, D.D.S., professor and chair of the Department of Endodon- tics, is a stunning example of resource development at the CDM— and a template Niessen wants to see continue into the future. Faculty members, alumni, and donors pooled resources after Namerow’s grassroots approach helped the CDM address a dual challenge identified by the Journal of Endo- dontics . The journal stated that as faculty members and practitioners in endodontics were preparing to retire, fewer new professionals were financially able to pursue a career in higher education. In 2014, the goal of $500,000 was reached, and Taner Cem Sayin, D.D.S., Ph.D., was named the recipient of the inaugural Kenneth N. Namerow Endowed Professorship in Endodontics. “The Namerow Professorship is our first endowed professorship and has the distinction of being the first endowed professorship at NSU, so it’s quite an honor for the college,” Niessen said. Other areas for resource development include naming opportunities for donors as part of the university’s Realizing Potential campaign, including the recently renovated Simulation Lab. u CDM professors stress innovative education and a commitment to the community.