Lasting Impressions | Summer 2016

6 x NSU LASTING IMPRESSIONS “We broke the silos when we created the Integrated Restorative Dental Sciences course. This was an interde- partmental initiative where we combined dental anatomy, occlusion, cariology, operative, biomaterials, fixed prosthodontics, and case-based treatment planning as a super course,” said Galka. “The students are not just treating a tooth. On day one, we show that we are treating the overall well-being of a patient. It’s all tied together, which lends itself to the clinic, which is built on a comprehensive care clinic model.” Zohaib Munaf, president of the CDM’s class of 2018, said the course almost immediately had him immersed. “It was fast-paced because of all the dental topics rolled into one. It really showed me what I would do in my practice,” he explained. Enrolled in the course for three semesters, he said it showed him to look at a patient as more than “just a restoration. I’m not just going to do a composite treatment. It’s a different way of looking at the whole oral cavity and seeing what other issues may be present or how you can resolve any other concerns.” Above: (From left to right) Khalid Motlaq, a second-year postgraduate resident; Luana Oliveira Haas, director of the Postgraduate Operative Dentistry Program; and Thani Alsharari and Najat Aldossarry, both first-year postgraduate residents, observe Aryia Amini, CDM professor, as he examines a patient’s records in the Postgraduate Operative Dentistry Clinic. Opposite Page: First-year student Tyler Frey receives up-close instruction from CDM professor Edward A. Fellows, D.D.S.