Lasting Impressions | Summer 2016

NSU COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE x 9 Dear Fellow Alumni and Friends, The CDM Alumni Society members find success in the simple motto “for alumni, by alumni.” A tremendous number of alumni turned out at our inaugural 2015 Alumni and Friends Weekend. These social events demonstrate that the CDM Alumni Society is a serious entity within the dental community as we bring together friends and colleagues and meet more recent alumni. We thank our sponsors—Care Credit, Solution Reach, Implant Direct, Social Dental, and Patterson Dental—for support- ing these events. I hope you consider attending an alumni event in 2016. If you have not received information about the alumni events, contact Rosalie Marin ( ) or the CDM Alumni Relations Office. See the column to the left for upcoming events. You can also email me at . For those Facebook friends, please search for the CDM Alumni Society and Friends page and hit the like button. NSU CDM alumni are growing in numbers and in national reputation. When I travel throughout the United States for speaking engagements, many of the participants recognize NSU CDM as a top-rated dental school. Our alumni society members are national speakers and elected officers in national organizations. For example, Irene Marron-Terrazzi, D.M.D. (’03), is the newly elected second vice president of the American Dental Association. (See a feature about her on page 31.) These types of recognitions are a testament to our education and character. It is because of you that our reputation continues to grow, and I thank you. I hope 2016 is bringing success in your personal life and that your practice is experiencing new levels of growth. Fins Up! Chris Phelps President, CDM Alumni Society and Friends UPCOMING ALUMNI EVENTS May 20, 2016, 3:00–5:00 p.m. NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale, NSU CDM Alumni Society Reception for 2016 graduates— Meet the graduates and welcome them to the NSU CDM Alumni Society. May 28, 2016, 5:00–7:00 p.m. American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry annual meeting in San Antonio, Texas—Meet and connect with your pediatric dentistry colleagues. June 17, 2016, 5:00–7:00 p.m. Florida Dental Conference in Orlando, Florida—Join us at the conference. Prizes will be awarded to the classes with the most attendees! Alumni Alum By For