NSU CDM Lasting Impressions Fall 2018

36 | COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE department as the ‘TAD Master’ for his expertise in using temporary anchorage devices.” After graduating in December 2017, Kim joined a corporate dental group in a rural area of central California. “Usually, I am very busy during the day, but I enjoy doing an exam, diagnosis, making a treatment plan, and monitoring the progress of a patient. I need to think of a creative, but logical, way to solve the problems for individual patients.” A QUEST FULFILLED Although Kim resides on the opposite coast from the CDM, the distance hasn’t diminished his appreciation for the college. He likens his feelings for the university to the military expression Once a Marine, Always a Marine . “I am always an alumnus of NSU. So, if I want to be the best doctor, it is very important to support and make the CDM the best. Through that, I can have strong colleagues and, also, contribute to research to improve human health,” he said. He hopes future CDM graduates always put their patients first. “When you choose this as your career, lifetime learning is your duty,” Kim said. He recom- mends continuing education, not for career success or financial gain, but to benefit patients. “We can be harmful to patients if we stop learning. I understand dental students already have studied very hard to get into dental school. Students deserve to enjoy life, but must put learning first. That is the reason why people show respect to doctors.” u ALUMNI IMPRESSIONS ALUMNI Impressions JunSik Kim, center, with the other dentists and staff members at the clinic where he works in a rural area of central California. JunSik Kim discusses patient treatment plans with a staff member.