Lasting Impressions | Fall 2017

ROMER OCANTO HONORED AT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Romer Ocanto, D.D.S., CAGS, chair of the CDM’s Department of Pediatric Den- tistry, was presented with a Certificate of Recognition for the best poster at the International Conference on Dentistry and Oral Health held in September in Valencia, Spain. He also received €500 (euros) toward expenses for the 2018 meeting to be held in Rome. In addition, Ocanto has been invited to speak about the CDM grant at the University of Malta (L-Università ta’ Malta) for the dental medicine faculty, Department of Oral Rehabilitation and Community Dental Care in Valetta, Malta, during 2018. Since 2007, Ocanto has secured $8,058,231 toward improving access to dental care for children with special health care needs. In June of 2015, he secured a $3,391,788 grant from the Health Resources and Services Admin- istration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to provide this training in pediatric dentist- ry and advance education in general dentistry residents over a five-year period. Ocanto has received four grants from HRSA. This project is 100 percent financed by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number D88HP20126 and Postdoctoral Training in General, Pediatric and Public Health Dentistry and Dental Hygiene for $3,391,788. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. 8 © NOVA SOUTHEASTERN UNIVERSITY NSU COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE © 9 Professors Remember the CDM’s Early Years Before the NSU College of Dental Medicine opened its doors in 1997, the university executives had begun a search for professors. Assembling a solid group of well-respected, knowledgeable professors who could lead and teach the next generations of dental professionals was vital to the new college’s success. The following are some of the professors’ memories about the CDM’s early days and why they chose to come to a fledgling school. AUDREY LEVITT GALKA, D.D.S. CDM Chair and Associate Professor of the Department of Cariology and Restorative Dentistry Full-time faculty member since 1999 WHY SHE JOINED THE CDM FACULTY: What appealed to me most was that NSU’s College of Dental Medicine was a new school and the first to open its doors in many years. With my background as a private practitioner and faculty member at New York University College of Dentistry, I saw the College of Dental Medicine as providing an opportunity for me to impact the profession in a broader and very meaningful way. Being part of the faculty at a new school would provide infinite possibilities to collaborate with new colleagues and build a great academic institution together. I saw the opportunity to be part of curriculum development, participate on new committees, get involved in research projects, and attend national meetings at the beginning of a career path that would ultimately lead to leadership roles I only dreamed possible. MOST MEMORABLE CDM MOMENT: That would be at 4:00 p.m. on June 1, 2009, when I opened an email with the subject heading “Appointments.” It was when our former dean, Dr. Robert Uchin, announced to the CDM faculty that after a national search, I was being appointed chair of the Department of Cariology and Restorative Dentistry. A flood of congratulatory emails followed from CDM associate deans, faculty members, and other department chairs. Everyone provided so much support since my start at the CDM in October 1999, and especially during my service as interim chair during the previous half year. Certainly the pinnacle of my career, this moment reaffirmed why I came to the CDM. EDWARD A. FELLOWS, D.D.S. Adjunct Assistant Professor Part-time faculty member since 1997 WHY HE CAME TO THE CDM: I have been involved with the College of Dental Medicine even before a dental building existed on campus. What motivated me to come to this new college is part of my philosophy of dentistry. Prior to coming to NSU, I presented a continuing education program in cosmetic dentistry at the Broward Dental Research Clinic at Broward College for more than 15 years. Because of this involvement, I was asked to submit an application to teach at the new dental college at NSU. The dean, Dr. Seymour Oliet, interviewed me, and I was accepted as an instructor. Teaching young dental students how to become honest and competent professionals was my way of giving back. I have been giving back for more than 50 years, both in Canada and in the United States. MOST MEMORABLE CDM MOMENT: My first lecture was on cosmetic restorative dentistry to the freshman class on March 6, 2000. I remember that date, because as I was lecturing, my daughter-in-law was giving birth to my first male grandchild. Years later, my grandson was treated by an orthodontist whom I had trained as a freshman. That is giving back and getting back. I now refer my patients to specialists whom I helped train to be experts in their respective fields. That gives me great pride in my philosophy of giving back to my profession, which I will always continue doing. RASHONDIA W. GAINES, D.D.S., M.S. Director of Faculty Practice and Assistant Professor of the Department of Cariology and Restorative Dentistry Full-time faculty member since 1999 WHY SHE JOINED THE CDM FACULTY: I joined the CDM because of the passion I had for teaching and helping others. I saw it as an amazing opportunity to help both students and patients. MOST MEMORABLE CDM MOMENT: I have several. I fondly remember being selected by the students to hood them at graduation. I felt like that was such an honor, that I impacted them enough for them to want me to participate in one of the most important days of their lives. I also am proud of the dental medical outreach trips I’ve participated in to Jamaica and Nicaragua, the thousands of people we have helped, and the appreciation they have shown. In addition, I am so proud of the relationships I’ve fostered with the students who participated in these medical outreach trips through the years. I have been a faculty participant in these trips since 2000.