Lasting Impressions | Fall 2016

40 NSU LASTING IMPRESSIONS e student coordinators of the NSU College of Dental Medicine’s Give Kids A Smile program work as a team, and like any award-winning team, they need a mascot. Adam Saltz, M.P.H., knows this all too well. e fourth-year CDM student and Give Kids A Smile codirector joined the program during his NSU undergraduate years, bringing tireless pluck to his humble roles as Timmy the Tooth and Healthy Matthew, the initiative’s costumed rovers. e son of a dentist and nephew of a periodontist, Saltz knew he was destined for more than morale raising and photo ops. During the past six years, he’s risen up the ranks, serving as Give Kids A Smile’s class repre- sentative during his rst year of dental school. Ultimately, he shared many Codirectors, Team E ort Ensure Success for Give Kids A Smile Day BY JOHN THOMASON Miles of SMILES!