Lasting Impressions | Fall 2016
30 © NSU LASTING IMPRESSIONS Alumni Impressions important point, which is why we are taking the right steps to grow our alumni base.” A high-quality alumni network is especially helpful in the dental eld today. “ e competition is erce in many parts of the country, and we have alumni all across the country, many of whom are leaders in their eld and very successful,” he said. “We want our new graduates to take advantage of this incredible opportunity to be connected to this vast network. Having a strong alumni network also allows our institution to continue to attract the strongest and most quali ed applicants.” Akhavan credits CDM Dean Linda C. Niessen, D.M.D., M.P.H., M.P.P., as an inspiration to the students and alumni. “Her clear vision, extraordinary level of experi- ence and energy, and commitment create an exceptional educational experience for the students,” he said. “I had the opportunity to learn many valuable leadership lessons from Dr. Niessen, and these lessons have impacted the way I practice dentistry today.” As a recent graduate, Akhavan o ers current and incoming dental students the following advice: “Set short- and long-term goals, develop good habits, and nd mechanisms to reduce stress.” For him, that involves early to bed, early to rise. “I can signi cantly reduce my stress and increase my productivity by going to bed early and waking up early. Developing a morning routine is important. Mine includes 5 to 10 minutes of meditation, light exercise, eating a healthy breakfast, and planning my day,” he said. “I also read encouraging self-improvement and nancial books for at least 30 minutes a day. Finally, every night before going to bed, write down three things you are grateful for regardless of how bad your day was.” Although Akhavan has earned his D.M.D. degree, his education is not nished. He is pursuing his master’s degree in biological sciences and his certi cate in ortho- dontics at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry. “I will graduate from my residency program in April 2017,” said Akhavan, who considers himself lucky to be a part of the Maryland orthodontic program. “I have the opportunity to work with fantastic people every day and am blessed with amazing coworkers. I am very excited about the future,” he said. Career plans for this dentist include working as an associate for a few years and then buying a practice. Akhavan would like to work with a pediatric dentist to provide comprehensive orthodontic and pediatric dental care, perhaps in North Carolina or Texas. “I love practic- ing orthodontics and would like to strengthen my knowledge of entrepreneurship,” he said. Akhavan even has plans for a er he retires. “Hope- fully, I can spend most of my time teaching and helping others in the eld of orthodontics,” he said. “ roughout my education, I have had teachers who have inspired me, and I hope that, one day, I can be an inspiring teacher to others.” “I realized that, in dentistry, I can be creative and use craftsmanship to serve my patients and create a beautiful and healthy smile that would bring them joy and confidence .” —Amir Akhavan
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