Lasting Impressions | Fall 2016

22 © NSU LASTING IMPRESSIONS Judith Chin , D.D.S., M.S., professor and CDM pediatric dental resident program director, has authored or reviewed nearly 200 policies and guidelines for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the American Academy of Pediatrics. But some of the most challenging and rewarding policy research work she has done is for the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD). “I’m literally writing a policy for the AAPD as we speak,” Chin said. As a policy researcher, she contributes as a consultant for the Council on Clinical A airs for the AAPD Reference Manual —the gold standard for oral health policies and clinical guidelines for pediatric dentistry. She’s currently working on a “brand new policy,” where she is credited as rst author for the AAPD’s 2017–2018 manual on oral health policies and clinical guidelines. e details are embargoed until May 2017, but she did divulge that it concerns a new procedure in pediatric dentistry. In the past few months, the subject matter has been receiving positive national atten- tion in the news media. Consequently, when the policy is released, the AAPD will be right on point. “I feel that we were really forward-thinking on this topic, since we discussed it in early February, and I was assigned to write the policy this past May,” Chin said. e majority of the academy’s 9,900 members will have the chance to ratify the new policy when they meet for the AAPD’s 70th Annual Session in Washington, D.C., in May 2017. “I’m so honored that I was chosen to write this policy, and I’m honored to represent the CDM,” she said. Re earch s Program Director Sets Pediatric Dentistry Standards BY MICHELLE F. SOLOMON Judith Chin is credited as first author for the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry’s 2017–2018 Reference Manual.