Lasting Impressions | Fall 2016

14 © NSU LASTING IMPRESSIONS Faculty Impressions Sharon Crane Siegel , M.S., M.B.A., D.D.S., has built a distinguished academic career marked by leadership, research, invention, and her dedicated mentorship of other women. Last year, Siegel—the rst female department chair at NSU’s College of Dental Medicine—was honored with the Lucy Hobbs Taylor Award from the American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD). e honor is, in essence, a lifetime achievement award, though Siegel is hardly nished adding to her already-lengthy list of accomplishments. ey include being the coinventor and co-patent holder for CaStix—a device that holds dental casts together when they’re placed on a jaw-simulating articulator—and the publication of some three dozen papers in international, peer-reviewed journals. Although she primarily teaches others as chair of the CDM’s Department of Prosthodontics, Siegel recently received her M.B.A. from NSU’s H. Wayne Huizenga College of Business and Entrepreneurship, which occurred a er she had started and Department Chair Wins Accolades, Inspires Others BY CHRISTINE DOLEN Sharon Crane Siegel demonstrates CAD/CAM—computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing—one of the tools helping to alter prosthodontics.