Lasting Impressions | Fall 2016

NSU COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE © 11 of the implant fellowship. She said she enjoys having her hands in a little bit of everything at the CDM. “I get to interact with so many specialists, colleagues, and students. I’m learning from them, and they’re learning from me. at is the kind of environment that is ful lling for me,” she said. Hernandez fell into the world of academia by accident. A er graduating from dental school in Venezuela, she practiced there as a general dentist for a year and a half. She was interested in learning the periodontics specialty, and a er a visiting her sister in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, she decided to apply to the University of Pennsylvania’s peri- odontics program. She was accepted, and with the support of her parents, Hernandez moved to Philadelphia to attend the program. “I went to Pennsylvania with the vision that I was going back to Venezuela to work as a periodontist,” she said. When she nished her studies, however, Hernandez said her father told her the political situation had worsened in Venezuela and that it would be best for her future if she stayed in the United States. She went to her mentors at the University of Pennsylvania for advice, and they o ered her a one-year implant fellowship and a part-time teaching position. Hernandez then was o ered a faculty position and taught at the University of Pennsylvania for two years. “I remember one of my mentors said to me that ‘once you start in academia, you’re never going back.’ He was right,” she said. “When I started, I didn’t know if I would like it. But then you see how you can teach somebody something. Sometimes they do it even better than you, and you realize this is amazing.” A er nding her passion in academia, Hernandez started to crave a change. She was looking for a university setting where she could grow and lead in a larger way. Again, a mentor gave her an idea. “He said I would be a perfect t for Nova Southeastern University,” Hernandez said. “Now I get so mad when people say this, but I actually asked, ‘Where is it?’ He told me South Florida, which, of course, was closer to Venezuela. And, he said the department chair was looking for periodon- tists to teach there. I went right to my o ce and applied.” Hernandez said she fell in love with the CDM during her interview. “I loved the school and the area,” she admitted. “I was excited when they o ered me a job.” She started as an assistant professor in July 2006, and soon found opportunities to grow and learn at a fast pace. A few months a er she started, both the director and the chair of the Department of Periodontology le . Robert A. Uchin, D.D.S., the CDM’s dean at the time, told her they were advertising for the positions, but in the meantime, the department was in her hands. “I told him I didn’t think I had the expertise for that,” Hernandez said. “He just said not to worry, I would do ne. And, thankfully, with the help of the adjunct sta and full-time faculty members, we were able to keep the department stable.” A er that, she was promoted to associate director of the department, which she did for two years before becom- ing director in 2009. She was appointed to the chair position in May 2015. Hernandez credits William Parker, D.D.S., CDM associate dean for postgraduate education, for helping her along the way while he was chair of the periodontology department. “He has been the person who has been mentor- ing me, guiding me, teaching me everything and anything about education and leadership,” she said. Parker said Hernandez was the perfect candidate to re- place him as chair. “She developed so quickly for a relatively young faculty member. She took on higher positions and higher authority and always did a wonderful job,” he said. “She is a talented clinician, excellent educator, and a wonder- ful colleague. She is intelligent and knowledgeable and has a tremendous work ethic.” What makes Hernandez unique, Parker added, is her ability to work well with everyone. “She is well liked and respected by the students, the faculty and sta members,