Lasting Impressions | Fall 2015

NSU COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE © 7 Each academic year, we look forward to welcoming future health professionals to NSU’s Health Professions Division. This semester, 1,500 new students began their studies at HPD; 126 have entered NSU’s College of Dental Medicine. Although the D1s focus is gaining the knowledge needed for graduation, most do not realize that they already are a member of a distin- guished community of graduates, the CDM Alumni Society and Friends. As alumni, you are an important part of our community. Your ideas and opinions are of great interest and help to our college, and we invite you to stay involved and stay connected through our alumni sponsored events, programs, and through participation in the CDM Alumni Society and Friends. Being a member of our society affords you many opportunities for continued growth, networking, and development, and we hope that you will continue to remain involved. (A message from Chris Phelps, president of the College of Dental Medicine Alumni Society and Friends is on page 23.) Please share news of your continued academic, personal, and professional success by reaching out to our CDM Alumni Re- lations Office at . Visit our website often to stay up to date with current happenings. To connect, email Bart Whitehead, D.M.D., at . Since the Health Professions Division was founded, we have experienced great success, and that success is due, in no small part, to the quality of our students. Our diverse and dedicated students not only contribute to the college, but to the NSU community and to South Florida. I hope you enjoy this issue of Lasting Impressions . I thank you for your continued commitment to NSU as alumni. Frederick Lippman, R.Ph., Ed.D. Chancellor, Health Professions Division Message from the Chancellor Fred Lippman, R.Ph., Ed.D., chancellor of NSU’s Health Professions Division, was hon- ored as the 2015 Individual of Merit during the 18th annual Health Care Heroes® Awards. The Health Care Heroes® Awards program recognizes individuals, institutions, profession- als, students, volunteers, and programs, who, through their individual or collective actions, have made an extraordinary impact in the South Florida health care community. Lippman was selected for his leadership in the South Florida community and beyond, par- ticularly in the areas of health and well-being. He is currently responsible for overseeing seven colleges at NSU, including dental medicine, health care sciences, medical sciences, nursing, optometry, osteopathic medicine, and phar- macy—some of which he helped create. Lippman has made it his priority to enhance interprofes- sional relationships and understanding, increase programs for health care careers that are in demand, and focus on educating future health care practitioners on the importance of provid- ing care in underserved areas of the population, including rural and homeless communities. A community pharmacist for more than 20 years, Lippman also served as a member of the Florida House of Representatives from 1978 to 1998, where he was widely respected for champi- oning legislation to protect children and senior citizens and to improve Florida’s health care sys- tem. One of his many accomplishments was to introduce the country’s first law mandating the use of child safety seats, and a law mandating the use of seat belts in vehicles. He is also widely known as the “father” of Florida’s Area Health Education Center program, which works to improve the supply and distribution of primary care in medically underserved areas. u HPD CHANCELLOR GETS HEALTH CARE HEROES AWARD