Lasting Impressions | Fall 2015

NSU COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE © 33 CDM Impressions RESIDENTS RECEIVE AWARD Oral and Maxillofacial Residency Program resi- dents from NSU’s College of Dental Medicine won the Second Annual Resident and Fellow Research Day competition sponsored by Florida International University’s Herbert Wertheim College of Medicine. The team received a $2,000 grand prize for its presen- tation “The New Paradigm in Medical Modeling; Utilizing Consumer-Level Desktop 3-D Printers,” beating out other groups of residents and fellows from FIU, Cleveland Clinic, Memorial Regional Hospital, and Broward Health. u PROFESSOR HONORED BY DENTAL ASSOCIATION Sharon C. Siegel, D.D.S., M.S., professor and chair in the Department of Prosthodontics in NSU’s College of Dental Medicine, has received a Chair of the Board of Directors Citation from the American Dental Education Association (ADEA). Siegel was honored for her years of service to the association, having served for the past nine years as an officer in the Prosthodontic Section of the Council of Sections, as a member of the Administrative Board of the Council of Sections, and as the 2015 Annual Session program chair for the American Dental Association’s meeting. u STUDENT ASSOCIATION WINS A STUEY The American Student Dental Association was honored as the Graduate Organization of the Year 2015 during the 16th annual Student Life Achieve- ment Awards, which are also known as the STUEYS. The STUEYS celebrate Nova Southeastern Universi- ty’s core values by recognizing achievement in aca- demic excellence, student centered, integrity, inno- vation, opportunity, scholarship/research, diversity, and community. u POSTGRADUATE STUDENT HONORED WITH AWARD An abstract by ReemAlmashat, B.D.S., received the Graduate Student Research Award 2015 in a competition conducted by the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD) and NuSmile. Almashat, a postgraduate student at NSU’s College of Dental Medicine, was one of eight pedi- atric dental residents to receive the award that honored “excellence in research enhancing the specialty of pediatric dentistry.’’ Since 2005, NuSmile has sponsored the Gradu- ate Student Research Awards, presented during the AAPD annual session. Since the company’s inception in 1991, NuSmile has been an active sup- porter of the AAPD and Healthy Smiles Healthy Children, a national, community-based initiative established in 1987 that provides access to care for children. u