Lasting Impressions | Fall 2014
N ova Southeastern University commemorates its 50th anni- versary with a diverse array of cel- ebratory activities. As I reflect on this milestone, I recognize that this would not be possible without the leaders of the past and present. I am currently in my 28th year as a pioneer administrator from Southeastern University of the Health Sciences, the precursor to what is now known as the NSU Health Professions Division. My 20 years as a state legislator also give me a unique perspective. When I look back at what has transpired at NSU through the years, I am filled with a true sense of wonderment in regard to how prominent and vast our educational influence has become in a relatively short 50-year time frame. NSU’s far-reaching achievements are a consequence of some amazing individuals who served as the pioneers throughout its evolution. I could list a multitude of names, but some specific examples that immediately spring to mind are Morton Terry, Abraham Fischler, Robert Steele, Hamilton C. Forman, and Royal Flagg Jonas. None of these individuals, with the exception of Fischler, were in the field of formal education. Yet, they possessed the instinctive, humanistic, and community-driven values needed to establish and then build a unified institution that continues to be enhanced on a daily basis—true leaders. As we view the university’s highlights during the past 50 years, I am confident that NSU will forge ahead to prominence with today’s leadership. Our forward-thinking president and chief executive officer, George Hanbury, has recruited a strong executive lead- ership team that shares the NSU community’s vision: Jackie Travisano, executive vice president and chief operating officer; Ralph Rogers, executive vice president for Academic Affairs and provost; and Linda Niessen, dean of the College of Dental Medicine. These, among other new members of our NSU family, complement our existing faculty and staff members, who are all lead- ers in their own right. Fred Lippman R.Ph., Ed.D. Chancellor, Health Professions Division NSU COLLEGE OF DENTAL MEDICINE © 13 The Telly Awards has named Dateline Health as a People’s Telly Silver winner in the 35th Annual Telly Awards for its piece titled “Joint Preservation and Pain Management.” This is Dateline Health ’s fourth Telly Award, having received two in 2008 and another in 2012. This year’s Telly Awards received nearly 12,000 entries from all 50 states and numerous countries. The Telly Awards was founded in 1979 and is the premier award honoring outstanding local, regional, and cable TV commercials and programs. It also honors the finest video and film productions and online commercials, video, and films. The winning episode featured host Fred Lippman, R.Ph., Ed.D., chancellor of NSU’s Health Professions Division, interviewing Francis M. McCormick, M.D., an orthopedic spe- cialist, and W. Porter McRoberts, M.D., an interventional spine and pain management specialist, both from Holy Cross Hospital in Fort Lauderdale. “This Telly Award is a great opportunity for us to thank the many experts who have donated their time and expertise over the past several years,” said Lippman. Dateline Health is a 30-minute service program that covers a wide range of contem- porary health care issues through interviews with health care experts, researchers, and policy makers. It airs on Broward Education Communication Network (BECON). It is also carried by COMCAST and AT&T U-verse cable providers, Direct TV, Dish Network satellite, and over air signals seven days a week throughout the tricounty area. It reaches 4.3 million households in the South Florida community. For more information about Dateline Health , visit . u Dateline Health a Winner in the Telly Awards Fred Lippman is filmed for Dateline Health. Message From the Chancellor: A Community Leader
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