KPCOM - Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Master of Science in Foundational and Integrated Medical Sciences 2024–2025 285 the latest version of the examination software downloaded, have enough free space on their devices (500MB), and have fully charged their devices prior to entering the examination room. Additionally, it is also recommended that students download the examination prior to entering the room. Students arriving without their iPads® or with iPads® that are not correctly configured will be assigned an unexcused absence and will not be allowed to sit for the examination. Once seated, a student may not leave the seat prior to the start of the examination unless accompanied by a proctor. Students are not permitted to write on the examination or in the examination booklet prior to the announced start of the examination, with the exception of providing the student’s name and required demographic information on the answer sheet if requested. During the examination, a student may not leave the seat without permission from a proctor. Any student needing to go to the restroom during an examination will be escorted by a proctor. This proctor will ask the student to demonstrate that all pockets are empty prior to entering the restroom. The proctor will accompany the student into the restroom area and will assign the student to a restroom stall. The proctor will wait for the student in the restroom and will accompany the student back to the classroom. A student may leave the classroom upon completion of the examination. During any examination, a student will not be permitted access to any information or data not provided to the student by the examination proctors including, but not limited to, any access to a cellular phone, text, notes, or other nonapproved materials—electronic or otherwise—including wristwatches, and may not communicate in any manner with anyone inside or outside of the examination area except the proctors or faculty members present. Nonapproved materials are any materials for which the student has not received prior permission from the course director or chief proctor to use during an examination. All examinations have a time limit. It is the student’s responsibility to complete all demographic information, examination answer form identification, and examination form answers on the optical character recognition (OCR, e.g., Scantron®) form or any other testing instrument prior to the end of the allotted examination time. Any writing on any examination materials after time has been called by the chief proctor will be considered academic dishonesty and the student is subject to referral to the Graduate Student Progress and Advising Committee (SPAC). Test forms submitted represent a student’s final answer and will be scored as marked. Answers not marked on the OCR form during the allotted examination time will be scored as incorrect. Examinations will be scored based on the test form identified by the student on the OCR form. Written examinations will not be returned to students and students will not be permitted to review their examinations. 2. Makeup Examinations Students are expected to take all examinations at their originally scheduled times. When an examination is missed, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the course director, as well as the director of the M.S. in Foundational and Integrated Medical Sciences, within 24 hours of the