Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Master of Science in Foundational and Integrated Medical Sciences 2024–2025 283 Students who miss a quiz because of an excused absence must make up the missed quiz within one week (7 days) following the missed quiz. Students who miss a quiz because of an unexcused absence will not be offered a makeup and will receive a zero on that quiz. A student with an excused absence on a midterm or final examination will be offered a date assigned by the director of the M.S. in Foundational and Integrated Medical Sciences program. A student with an unexcused absence will be offered a makeup examination and will receive a maximum score of 70 percent on that examination. Students who have an unexcused absence will lose course percentage points as follows: a. f irst unexcused absence per course—2 percentage points off final class grade (highest possible course grade of 98 percent) b. second unexcused absence per course—5 additional percentage points off final class grade (highest possible course grade of 93 percent) c. t hird unexcused absence per course—10 additional percentage points off final class grade (highest possible course grade of 83 percent) d. fourth unexcused absence per course—student will fail the course B. Dress Code Students in the HPD must maintain a neat and clean appearance befitting those attending professional school. Therefore, attire should convey a professional appearance whenever the student is on the division campus and in classes or laboratory or on an experiential rotation or program. The following constitute acceptable attire: 1. Identification badges are issued at the One-Stop Shop in the HPD’s Terry Building and in the Horvitz Administrative Building. Students at the Tampa Bay Regional Campus, or any other NSU regional campus, can order their SharkCard online at nova.edu/nsucard. Badges must be worn and visible at all times when the student is on campus. Please note that ID badges are necessary for proper use of on-campus auditoriums, library and recreational facilities, offices, laboratories, and certain restricted parking areas. These badges are given to the students at no charge, except for replacement. 2. Professional Business Dress: shirt, tie, slacks, pants or skirt with blouse, or dress, and appropriate shoes or matching scrub sets, socks, and shoes. Students may not wear the following: a. shorts b. cutoffs c. miniskirts (higher than mid-thigh) d. jeans e. see-through clothing or halter-tops