KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Master of Science in Foundational and Integrated Medical Sciences 2024–2025 282 Code of Conduct A. Attendance Each student holds the responsibility for attending classes and abiding by the specific enforcement policies regarding attendance within a course, whether the course is offered in the classroom or via a distancelearning format. This includes policies and penalties for unexcused absences and nonparticipation within the parameters of the HPD. If missed assignments, course activities, or examinations are to be made up, they will be done at the discretion of the course director and program director. Attendance is mandatory for all scheduled year-one classes and elective courses, as indicated in the course syllabi. The M.S. in Foundational and Integrated Medical Sciences is a full-time program, and scheduling is subject to change for any reason during the semester. The M.S. in Foundational and Integrated Medical Sciences is a full-time program and scheduling is subject to change for any reason during the semester. In the event the university cancels classes, all classes will be rescheduled at the faculty’s earliest availability and the attendance requirement will remain in effect. It is recommended that students do not take on any outside activities which might impact their ability to be academically successful or meet the attendance requirement. If a student is absent for a mandatory class session, it is the responsibility of the student to contact both the course director and the director of the M.S. in Foundational and Integrated Medical Sciences program either prior to the session or within 24 hours of the missed session. Attendance will be taken at each class. It is the responsibility of the student to be present at that time. Students arriving after class attendance has been taken will be given an unexcused absence and will lose the points indicated below. To determine if an absence is excused of unexcused, the student must supply the director of the M.S. in Foundational and Integrated Medical Sciences program written documentation for the reason the student was not in attendance at the session. The M.S. in Foundational and Integrated Medical Sciences program designates the following to be excused absences: a. d eath and funeral in the immediate family (spouse, partner, parent, grandparent, in-law, sibling, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew) b. p ersonal illness, only when diagnosed and documented in writing by the physician who evaluated and treated the student at the time of the absence c. university-sanctioned travel or function documented no less than two weeks in advance by the Office of Undergraduate, Graduate, Technology, and Community Education (the Office of Undergraduate, Graduate, Technology, and Community Education will be responsible for assuring that the course directors receive the appropriate documentation) d. other extenuating circumstances which must be approved by the Office of Undergraduate, Graduate, Technology, and Community Education, with the appropriate documentation for the reason