KPCOM - Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Department of Couple and Family Therapy 2024–2025 272 Code of Conduct Students are required to know and adhere to both the college’s Code of Conduct and the university’s Code of Student Conduct. Students are expected to abide by the AAMFT Code of Ethics, conduct indicated in the Florida Statutes Chapter 491, as well as all local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, and conduct indicated in the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). With respect to confidentiality, HIPAA applies to social networking sites and other online platforms, as well as the use of text, phone, voicemail, computer, email, and other such technological modes. Violators may be subject to the same prosecution as with other HIPAA violations. NSU and the Department of Couple and Family Therapy require that all students successfully complete the NSU HIPAA course requirements during their first term in the program, prior to seeing clients. The dean of the college has established the following code of conduct (the code), which shall apply to all students enrolled in the college. Students enrolled in the college are expected to adhere to behavior consistent with the high standards of the family therapy profession. Compliance with institutional regulations, as well as city, state, and federal laws, is expected. Department of Couple and Family Therapy students shall act honorably and ethically. Dishonesty, unethical behavior, or other designated inappropriate conduct shall not be tolerated. It is not possible to enumerate all forms of inappropriate behavior, some of which could raise serious questions concerning a student’s ability to continue in the academic program. Below, however, are the general rules and policies that shall apply to all students. Academic Dishonesty The college holds its students to the highest standards of intellectual integrity. Therefore, any student attempting to take any examination by improper means, presenting work that the student has not performed, aiding and abetting any other student in any dishonest academic act, or having direct knowledge of such without reporting it may subject the offending student to a meeting before the SPAC and subsequent dismissal from the college. Students shall be afforded the opportunity for an internal and private (no nonuniversity participants) meeting with the SPAC in matters relevant to academic dishonesty. Such matters will be brought to the attention of the program director who will inform the department chair and, in turn, will refer them to the SPAC. The university is an academic community and expects its students to manifest a commitment to academic integrity through rigid observance of standards for academic honesty. The university can function properly only when its members adhere to clearly established goals and values. Accordingly, the academic standards are designed to ensure that the principles of academic honesty are upheld.