KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Department of Couple and Family Therapy 2024–2025 270 The IP Grade Request Form must include a detailed description of the work that needs to be completed, the term, expected completion date, and any other information agreed to by the student and instructor. Signatures must be completed prior to final approval and filing the originally signed form with the program coordinator. It is the responsibility of the student to work with the instructor and submit completed work by the agreed upon date and prior to the last day of class of the following term. At the end of the following term, if the work has not been completed, the IP grade is changed to an earned grade. Students who have an outstanding I or IP grade or who have a failing average may not receive an additional IP. In the Department of Couple and Family Therapy, students have until the end of the next term to complete all courses requirements once an IP grade is posted on the transcript. If coursework is not completed by the end of next term, the student will be assigned the grade earned. No IP grades are given for practicum courses in the Department of Couple and Family Therapy. Students will not be able to proceed with practicum courses, until the IP grade in the ethics course is successfully resolved with a B- or a better grade. C. Graduation Requirements Students must comply with the following requirements in order to obtain their M.S., Ph.D., and D.M.F.T. from the Department of Couple and Family Therapy: • Students must pass all coursework with a 3.0 cumulative GPA or above for doctoral programs and 3.0 or above for the master’s program. • Students must earn the required credit hours. • Students must pass, or show evidence of having passed, the Legal, Ethical and Professional Issues in MFT course with a grade of B- or better. • Students must successfully complete the requirements related to internship and clinical and supervision hours. M.S. students are required to have 500 clinical hours (200 must be relational hours) and 100 supervision hours (a minimum of 50 supervision hours must be via observable data). Doctoral students are required to have 1,000 clinical hours (400 must be relational hours) and 200 supervision hours (at least 100 supervision hours must be via observable data, such as live/video/audio). • Students must pass comprehensive exam (M.S. students) and pass clinical portfolio (doctoral students). • Students must participate in annual reviews and successfully defend, complete, and submit their applied clinical projects or dissertations (doctoral programs only). • Students must comply with remediation plans, as specified (if necessary). • Students must maintain continuous ethical/legal/professional conduct throughout the program. • Students must complete all program/degree requirements, including the above-mentioned within the stated time limit of the program (five years for M.S. students and six years for doctoral students).