Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Department of Couple and Family Therapy 2024–2025 268 hours, etc., is not acceptable. If it is found that hours are fabricated or falsified, the student will be referred to the SPAC for possible code of conduct violation. It is also the students’ responsibility to ensure that their selected internship sites are approved by the department’s internship/practicum coordinator. The site approval process takes time, so students should plan accordingly. Any hours collected at an unapproved site will not be counted toward the degree requirements. In addition, it is of utmost importance that students get the practicum/internship contracts signed every term before accumulating the hours. Some sites have their own requirements that need to be completed before students can start the site. Students are responsible for costs associated with such requirements. It may also take additional time to complete these requirements. Students need to start the process at least a term prior to the start date in such cases. Any hours done before the dates that are noted on the signed contracts will not be counted toward the degree requirements. Students must be enrolled in a practicum or internship course in order for them to be able to accumulate and count hours toward their degree requirements. Students must turn in their clinical and supervision hours to the internship/practicum coordinator upon request. Please review the university policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) found at nova.edu /financialaid/eligibility/satisfactory-academic-progress.html. To identify and mitigate disparities in health care, it is important that the students address issues related to individual dignity in an effective and professional manner in the classroom, the clinic, and health care and other settings. Students must demonstrate an understanding of the manner in which different people perceive health and illness and respond to various symptoms, diseases, and treatments. Students are expected to learn to recognize and appropriately address biases, while considering first the health and well-being of clients. Students who exhibit unprofessional and culturally offensive behavior will be referred to the SPAC and/or proper authorities for disciplinary action, and may be subject to dismissal. Student Achievement NSU KPCOM’s M.S. in Couple and Family Therapy, Ph.D. in Couple and Family Therapy, and D.M.F.T. programs have a policy of continuous assessment of students and of graduate success. 1. A ssessment of students includes course evaluations and grades, practicum evaluations (both on site and faculty supervisor evaluations), comprehensive examination results (for M.S students) and clinical portfolio, and applied clinical project and dissertation results (for doctoral students). Additionally, KPCOM maintains close contact with external supervisors at agency sites and obtains their evaluations of its students. 2. The Department of Couple and Family Therapy maintains data on graduation rates, licensure exam pass rates, and job placement rates in the field. The Department of Couple and Family Therapy is able to verify graduation rates from its own internal data. Once students are graduated, the Department of Couple and Family Therapy relies on their maintaining in contact with the college to provide licensure exam pass rates and career data. To encourage students to do this, the Department of Couple and Family Therapy uses personal contact. NSU provides graduates with an @nova.edu email address. In addition, the NSU alumni office sends out a survey to graduates, annually. The program