KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Department of Couple and Family Therapy 2024–2025 267 General registration procedures and information are provided to students at the time of entrance to the program. It is the students’ responsibility to register for their courses by logging into the official NSU SharkLink portal. For details, visit After students have registered, should any problems arise related to registration information or credit fees, students should contact the program coordinator and the program director at the Department of Couple and Family Therapy. 3. Academic Progress The academic progress of each student enrolled in the Department of Couple and Family Therapy is based on continuous satisfactory academic performance. It is also contingent on the student’s adherence to the policies and procedures of the Department of Couple and Family Therapy, KPCOM, HPD, and NSU governing the student’s professional conduct and other responsibilities as outlined in this handbook. Students must complete their M.S. program within five years from the date of matriculation. This means that students are expected to graduate with the master’s degree within this time period. Students must complete their doctoral (Ph.D. or D.M.F.T.) program within eight years from the date of matriculation (which includes completing doctoral dissertation or applied clinical project). This means that students are expected to graduate with the doctoral degree within this time period. A student who experiences academic difficulty is responsible for contacting the student’s course instructor, committee chair, and program director promptly. Such matters may be further addressed by the SPAC and may include a meeting with the student. Request to extend time for the completion of the program beyond the time frame mentioned in the Graduation Requirements section are referred to the SPAC for review. Doctoral students who receive two consecutive NPR grades or a maximum of four NPR grades will be referred to the SPAC. Obtaining a leave of absence does not extend the time a student has to complete the program (five years to complete the master’s program and six years for a doctoral program). Students shall be placed on academic probation when they receive an F for a course, when they have two Cs or two C+s, when they have more than two active incompletes or two active in progress, or when their GPA falls below 3.0. Academic probation is noted on the student’s transcript. A student who earns an F course grade may be given the opportunity to repeat the failed course at the next semester offering. Additional tuition will be charged for the repeated course. If a student receives a failing grade (F) in another course, regardless of the new grade earned in the repeated course, the student will be referred to the SPAC and may be subject to dismissal from the program. Students who receive low scores on the areas related to ethics and diversity on the internal and external practicum final evaluation forms (completed by the faculty supervisor) must complete remedial work by the due date, as assigned by the program director. (See the evaluation forms for details.) Students will not be able to proceed with external practicums or clinical internships if they receive a grade of C or C+ in two internal practicums. Additional practicums and remedial work will be required depending on the areas of concern. The program director will follow up with students in case of receiving a grade of C or C+ in a practicum course. A plan will be developed in consultation with the faculty supervisor when students receive their first C or C+ grade in a practicum course. It is the students’ responsibility to report their clinical and supervision hours accurately and truthfully. Any reporting of hours that are not worked, inflating of hours, reporting or requesting of backdating