KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Department of Couple and Family Therapy 2024–2025 266 As indicated in the HPD Policies and Procedures section of the NSU Student Handbook, students enrolled in the NSU HPD have a continuing duty to disclose any arrest, conviction, guilty or no contest plea, or participation in a pretrial diversion program, or its equivalent, for any criminal offense. Students are required to notify the dean’s office within 10 days of any arrest or subsequent conviction, guilty, or no contest plea, or participation in a pretrial diversion program, or its equivalent, for any criminal offense. While enrolled at NSU, students have a continuing duty to disclose all of the above, along with any arrests or pending criminal charges within 10 days of any arrest or charges being filed. Students must notify the dean and the assistant dean of Student Affairs, or designee, of any arrests or pending criminal charges. A failure to timely disclose any arrests or pending criminal charges may result in disciplinary action, up to, and including, dismissal from NSU. In addition to the background investigation and drug screening(s), immunizations are required prior to entering the program. Students must upload all immunization and physical records to the designated website. These records should not be sent to KPCOM. • The KPCOM Office of Student Affairs will monitor the designated website and track when students have uploaded proof of completing the immunization and physical examination requirements. 2. Registering for Courses Application and enrollment for the Department of Couple and Family Therapy is processed electronically. Following acceptance into the Department of Couple and Family Therapy, students will be eligible to begin enrollment in their courses. Students will be notified via email with the information for courses each term. Students may register via SharkLink at Students must complete the Student Enrollment Agreement (SEA) each semester at or course registration will not occur. Please note that employees of NSU cannot enroll in courses using the electronic system and will need to complete a Student Transaction Form provided by the program director or program coordinator. In order to maintain an active student status, all students are to be in continuous registration until they receive their degree, unless prior approval is received. Failure to remain in continuous registration will be considered formal withdrawal from the program, except where prior approval is given. Students are considered to be full time if they complete a minimum of 6 credit hours each semester. After meeting all other degree requirements, doctoral students are considered full-time status when enrolled in 3 dissertation or applied clinical project (ACP) credits each semester. All M.S. and doctoral students must maintain their full-time status unless otherwise approved by the program director. Students are expected to follow their Course of Study/Degree Plans. Not following the course sequence as indicated in the degree plans can impact students’ time line for graduation. It is the students’ responsibility to ensure that they complete their programs in the allotted time frame. M.S. students must complete their programs within five years and doctoral (Ph.D. or D.M.F.T.) students within eight years from the date of matriculation. A student on financial aid, considering completing less than the scheduled credit hours in any given semester/term, should discuss this with the Office of Student Financial Assistance prior to the time of registration. International students must also check with the NSU Office of International Students and Scholars in case of requesting changes to their degree plans (and associated credit hours and length of study), seeking internships sites within and outside of Florida, requesting leave of absence from the program, and other such matters.