KPCOM Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Department of Couple and Family Therapy 2024–2025 259 Academic Services Administration/Faculty Office Hours The KPCOM administration endorses an open-door policy and encourages students to meet with the appropriate administrator, either by walk-in, if available, or by appointment. Faculty members will be available during office hours, as stated in the syllabus, by email, and/or by appointment. Department of Couple and Family Therapy Office Any inquiries or concerns regarding the Department of Couple and Family Therapy may be directed through the Department of Couple and Family Therapy office (Mailman-Hollywood Building, third floor) or via email to the program directors. Students must review the department website, Canvas course(s), and the student’s NSU email regularly for current information on the department, including the schedule and announcements. Academic Advising The goal of academic advising is to provide students with assistance to enable them to work toward obtaining the most from their educational experiences. The faculty members, supervisors, and program director • provide the student with guidance, direction, and encouragement • monitor the overall progress of the student • direct the student to appropriate college or university resources • assist in planning a schedule of coursework • assist the student in identifying research areas to pursue during the coursework of graduate study Through advising, students enhance their understanding of the couple/marriage and family therapy profession and performance expectations of the Department of Couple and Family Therapy. The faculty members, supervisors, and program directors share advising responsibilities. Students receive input and support to enhance their interests in (1) pursuing academic and professional development opportunities in couple/marriage and family therapy, (2) identifying research areas to pursue during their coursework of graduate study, (3) attending and participating in conferences and community service activities, and (4) assimilating into the field of couple/marriage and family therapy. Although there is overlap, the program director is primarily responsible for monitoring the overall progress of the student, assisting in planning a schedule of coursework, and directing the student to appropriate college or university resources, such as career advising and counseling.