Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Department of Nutrition 2024–2025 254 spent in the experience must be met for each course. If a student is late or absent from the experience, the student should notify the course instructor and the preceptor before the scheduled arrival time for the SP, or as soon as possible in an emergency. Any experience missed during an absence must be made up at the preceptor’s and facility’s convenience. Total hours spent in each SP experience, which are tracked weekly and approved by the student and the preceptor, are a permanent part of a student’s file. The total SP hours accumulated in the program are openly available for students to review. Any deficiencies from the planned requirements may place a student at risk of not receiving the ACEND verification statement upon program completion. State requirements also dictate the required number of SP hours in a professional setting. This program meets the Florida state licensing requirements. Students should consult other state guidelines to ensure they meet the minimum standards, which are generally in agreement with 900–1000 hours. 5. Site Change If a change in experience site or preceptor is needed at any time during the professional phase of the program, students should contact the clinical coordinator immediately. The practicum coordinator will be available to guide the student in finding a new placement site and or preceptor if needed. Students may be placed in a supervised practice experience site up to a two-hour drive away from campus. All paperwork and legal agreements will be managed by the practicum coordinator. Information related to the assigned facility will be provided to the student by the clinical coordinator and/or the faculty member of record for the course. Students are not allowed to change their supervised practice experience schedule without the prior permission of the clinical coordinator. Good cause must be given, and the request must be submitted into Canvas using the approved request form, preferably with a minimum of two weeks before the scheduled change. 6. Transportation Students are responsible for their own appropriate automobile insurance (which covers travel to and from supervised practice experience sites) and are responsible for transportation to and from all practice experiences and meetings. In certain circumstances, preceptors and faculty may offer to provide transportation to students. It is the decision of the student whether or not to accept the offer. Students who do so, accept the offer at their own risk. The RDN program does not condone nor prohibit student-preceptor ride-sharing. Students are not required to carry professional liability or general liability insurance while performing in SP in practicums. NSU covers the students at the SP-approved sites for general and professional liability. This insurance is at no cost to the student and automatic while enrolled in the program. It does not cover any outside work or volunteer work performed by the student outside of this academic arrangement. 7. Student Illness at the Practicum Site If a student is injured or becomes ill while at a practicum site, the priority is for the well-being of the student and the clients served on the site. Students are expected to arrive to practicum sites in healthy condition or notify their site supervisor to request an excused absence in such cases. Practicum sites will provide or arrange for emergency care to students who are injured or become ill during field experiences while on facility premises. The cost of medical services rendered is the responsibility of the individual student. Students will maintain health insurance throughout the practicum assignment, as required by policies of the HPD and NSU.