KPCOM - Student Handbook 2024-2025

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine (KPCOM)—Graduate/Professional Degree Programs 2024–2025 214 B. Appeals Policy for Grading Disputes Matters regarding grading disputes shall include all concerns related to specific grades received or the processes by which grades are determined. In all appeals regarding a grading dispute, the decision of the dean is final. A student who has difficulty in negotiating the grading dispute appeals process may seek guidance from the student’s program director. Course Grade A student seeking to appeal a decision regarding a classroom grade should seek solutions through the following administrative channels by entering at the appropriate level and proceeding in the order stated: a. course instructor/director b. program director c. SPAC d. dean (final level of appeal) A student seeking to resolve a grade problem through the administrative channels above must initiate such action to the program director, in writing (electronic or hard copy), within 30 calendar days from the date the grade is recorded at the registrar’s office. Review of a student problem and complaint at each administrative level will be carried out as expediently as possible. If the student is not satisfied with the decision, the student may appeal to the next administrative level. If the student chooses to continue the appeal, the protocol is in the Appeals Board section below. C. Appeals Board 1. Appeals Board Hearing Guidelines The student appeals hearing is an informal proceeding. No rules of evidence will be used. The hearing shall be internal, private, and closed to nonuniversity individuals. Nonuniversity personnel are not available for consultation during these hearings. Legal representation or any other form of representation during the appeal hearing is prohibited. All procedures and actions are aimed to safeguard and preserve the education and developmental mission of the college. 2. Appeals Board Responsibilities The Appeals Board will hear all student appeals of a decision made by the dean of the college relating to either dismissal or disciplinary sanctions, as defined in this student handbook. If a student appeals the decision of the dean, the appeal must be written (no emails) and received in the Office of the Dean, Attention: Chair, Appeals Board, within 10 business days (excluding school holidays and weekends) after the date of the receipt of the letter. Any appeals not submitted to the chair of the Appeals Board within this time frame shall not be heard. The appeal must contain a concise statement of all new and relevant facts, and the result sought. Participation of legal representatives in the preparation of the written appeal is prohibited.